Art Contirutions From Greek and Rome to Western World

Aspect of history

Western civilization describes the development of homo civilization commencement in Ancient Hellenic republic, and more often than not spreading westwards. However, Western civilisation in its more strictly divers sphere traces its roots back to Rome and the Western Mediterranean. It can exist strongly associated with nations linked to the erstwhile Western Roman Empire and with Medieval Western Christendom.

The civilizations of Classical Hellenic republic (Hellenic)[1] and Roman Empire (Latin)[2] equally well every bit Ancient Israel (Hebraism)[three] and early on Christendom are considered seminal periods in Western history;.[4] [5] [vi] From Ancient Greece sprang belief in commonwealth, and the pursuit of intellectual inquiry into such subjects equally truth and beauty; from Rome came lessons in government administration, martial organization, engineering and police; and from Ancient State of israel sprang Christianity with its ideals of the brotherhood of humanity. Strong cultural contributions also emerged from the infidel Germanic, Celtic, Wendic, Finnic, Baltic and Nordic peoples of pre-Christian Europe. Post-obit the 5th-century "Fall of Rome", Europe entered the Middle Ages, during which period the Catholic Church filled the power vacuum left in the West by the fallen Roman Empire, while the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) endured for centuries.

A fresco found at the Minoan site of Knossos, indicating a sport or ritual of "bull leaping". The Minoan civilization was a Bronze Age civilisation that arose on the isle of Crete and flourished from approximately the 27th century BC to the 15th century BC.

Origins of the notion of "East" and "West" [edit]

The opposition of a European "West" to an Asiatic "East" has its roots in Classical Antiquity, with the Farsi Wars where the Greek city states (depicted as the west) were opposing the expansion of the Achaemenid Empire (depicted as the e). The Biblical opposition of Israel and Assyria from a European perspective was recast into these terms by early Christian authors such as Jerome, who compared information technology to the "barbarian" invasions of his own time (see besides Assyria and Federal republic of germany in Anglo-Israelism).

The "East" in the Hellenistic menstruum was the Seleucid Empire,[ citation needed ] with Greek influence stretching as far equally Bactria and India, besides Scythia in the Pontic steppe to the north. In this catamenia, at that place was significant cultural contact betwixt the Mediterranean and the Eastward, giving rise to syncretisms like Greco-Buddhism. The establishment of the Byzantine Empire around the 4th century established a political division of Europe into East and West and laid the foundations for divergent cultural directions, confirmed centuries later with the Keen Schism between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholic Christianity.

The Mediterranean and the Aboriginal West [edit]

The earliest civilizations which influenced the evolution of the West were those of Mesopotamia, the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, largely corresponding to mod-day Republic of iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran: the cradle of civilisation. An agronomical revolution began here around 10,000 years agone with the domestication of animals like sheep and goats and the appearance of new wheat hybrids, notably bread wheat, at the completion of the concluding Ice Historic period, which allowed for a transition from nomadism to village settlements so cities like Jericho.[7]

The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians all flourished in this region. Soon after the Sumerian civilization began, the Nile River valley of ancient Egypt was unified nether the Pharaohs in the 4th millennium BC, and civilization quickly spread through the Fertile Crescent to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and throughout the Levant. The Phoenicians, Israelites and others later congenital important states in this region.

The ancient peoples of the Mediterranean heavily influenced the origins of Western civilisation. The Mediterranean Sea provided reliable shipping routes linking Asia, Africa and Europe along which political and religious ideas could be traded along with raw materials such equally timber, copper, tin can, golden and silverish likewise equally agricultural produce and necessities such as wine, olive oil, grain and livestock. By 3100 BC, the Egyptians were employing sails on boats on the Nile River and the subsequent evolution of the applied science, coupled with knowledge of the current of air and stars allowed naval powers such as the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans to navigate long distances and control large areas by commanding the ocean. Cargo galleys oftentimes also employed slave oarsmen to power their ships and slavery was an important feature of the ancient Western economy.[eight]

Thus, the great aboriginal capitals were linked — cities such as: Athens, home to Athenian democracy, and the Greek philosophers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates; the urban center of Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, where Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed around Advertizement 30; and the city of Rome, which gave rise to the Roman Empire which encompassed much of Europe and the Mediterranean. Knowledge of Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian influence on the evolution of Western civilization is well documented because information technology fastened to literate cultures, however, Western history was also strongly influenced by less literate groups such as the Germanic, Scandinavian and Celtic peoples who lived in Western and Northern Europe beyond the borders of the Roman world. Nevertheless, the Mediterranean was the centre of power and creativity in the evolution of ancient Western civilisation. Around 1500 BC, metallurgists learned to smelt fe ore, and by around 800BC, atomic number 26 tools and weapons were common along the Aegean Sea, representing a major advance for warfare, agriculture and crafts in Hellenic republic.[8]

The earliest urban civilizations of Europe belong to the Bronze Age Minoans of Crete and Mycenaean Greece, which ended around the 11th century BC as Greece entered the Greek Dark Ages.[nine] Ancient Hellenic republic was the civilization belonging to the flow of Greek history lasting from the Archaic menstruation of the eighth to 6th centuries BC to 146 BC and the Roman conquest of Greece after the Battle of Corinth. Classical Greece flourished during the 5th to quaternary centuries BC. Under Athenian leadership, Greece successfully repelled the military threat of Western farsi invasion at the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae. The Athenian Gold Age ended with the defeat of Athens at the easily of Sparta in the Peloponnesian State of war in 404 BC.

By the sixth century BC, Greek colonists had spread far and wide — from the Russian Black Sea coast to the Spanish Mediterranean and through modernistic Italian republic, Due north Africa, Crete, Cyprus and Turkey. The Aboriginal Olympic Games are said to have begun in 776 BC and grew to be a major cultural event for the citizens of the Greek diaspora, who met every iv years to compete in such sporting events as running, throwing, wrestling and chariot driving. Merchandise flourished and by 670 BC the castling economy was existence replaced past a coin economic system, with Greeks minting coins in such places as the island of Aegina. Poultry arrived from India effectually 600 BC and would grow to be a European staple. The Hippocratic Oath, historically taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically, is said to have been written by the Greek Hippocrates, often regarded every bit the male parent of western medicine, in Ionic Greek (late fifth century BC),[10]

The Greek city states competed and warred with each other, with Athens ascension to be the most impressive. Learning from the Egyptians, Athenian art and architecture shone from 520 to 420 BC and the city completed the Parthenon effectually 447 BC to house a statue of their city goddess Athena. The Athenians likewise experimented with commonwealth. Property owners assembled nearly weekly to make speeches and instruct their temporary rulers: a council of 500, called by lot or lottery, whose members could merely serve a total of 2 years in a lifetime, and a smaller, high council from whom one man was selected by lottery to preside from sunset to the following sunset.[viii]

Thus, the citizens' assembly shared power and prevented lifetime rulers from taking control. Military chiefs were exempt from the short term requirement still and were elected, rather than chosen by lot. Eloquent oratory became a Greek art form every bit speakers sought to sway big crowds of voters. Athenians believed in 'democracy' just not in equality and excluded women, slaves, the poor and foreigners from the assembly. Notions of a general "brotherhood of man" were yet to emerge.[8]

Ancient Greek philosophy arose in the 6th century BC and connected through the Hellenistic period, at which point Ancient Greece was incorporated into the Roman Empire. It dealt with a wide multifariousness of subjects, including political philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, logic, biological science, rhetoric, and aesthetics. Plato was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician and author of philosophical dialogues. He was the founder of the Academy in Athens which was the first establishment of college learning in the Western world. Inspired by the admonition of his mentor, Socrates, prior to his unjust execution that "the unexamined life is not worth living", Plato and his pupil, the political scientist Aristotle, helped lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.[eleven] Plato'southward sophistication as a writer is evident in his Socratic dialogues.

In classical tradition, Homer is the ancient Greek epic poet, writer of the Iliad, the Odyssey and other works. Homer'due south epics stand at the start of the western canon of literature, exerting enormous influence on the history of fiction and literature in general.

Alexander the Great (356 BC-323 BC) was a Greek king of Macedon and the creator of one of the largest empires in ancient history. He was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle and, every bit ruler, bankrupt the power of Persia, overthrew the Persian king Darius Iii and conquered the Persian Empire.[ii] His Macedonian Empire stretched from the Adriatic sea to the Indus river. He died in Babylon in 323 BC and his empire did not long survive his death. Even so, the settlement of Greek colonists around the region had long lasting consequences and Alexander features prominently in Western history and mythology.[12]

The city of Alexandria in Arab republic of egypt, which bears his name and was founded in 330 BC, became the successor to Athens as the intellectual cradle of the Western World. The metropolis hosted such leading lights as the mathematician Euclid and anatomist Herophilus; synthetic the great Library of Alexandria; and translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek (called the Septuagint for it was the piece of work of lxx translators).[viii]

The ancient Greeks excelled in applied science, scientific discipline, logic, politics and medicine. Classical Greek civilisation had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of the Mediterranean region and Europe, for which reason Classical Hellenic republic is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western culture.[13] [xiv] [15]

Ancient Rome was a civilization that grew out of a small agricultural community, founded on the River Tiber, on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 10th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea, and centered at the city of Rome, the Roman Empire became one of the largest empires in the ancient world.[16] In its centuries of existence, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to an oligarchic republic to an increasingly autocratic empire. Information technology came to dominate South-Western Europe, Due south-Eastern Europe/the Balkans and the Mediterranean region through conquest and assimilation.

Originally ruled by Kings who ruled the settlement and a small-scale surface area of land nearby, the Romans established a democracy in 509BC that would final for five centuries. Initially a pocket-size number of families shared power, later representative assemblies and elected leaders ruled. Rome remained a pocket-sized power on the Italian peninsula, but institute a talent for producing soldiers and sailors and, after subduing the Sabines, Etruscans and Piceni began to claiming the power Carthage. By 240BC, Rome controlled the formerly Greek controlled island of Sicily. Following the 207 BC defeat of the assuming Carthaginian general Hannibal, who had led an army spearheaded past war elephants over the Alps into Italy, the Romans were able to expand their overseas empire into Northward Africa. Roman engineers built arterial roads throughout their empire, get-go with the Appian Fashion through Italy in 312 BC. Along such roads marched soldiers, merchants, slaves and citizens to all corners of a flourishing mercantile empire. Roman engineering was and so formidable that roads, bridges and aqueducts survive in impressive scale and quantity to the present twenty-four hours. According to the historian Geoffrey Blainey, the population of the Imperial capital was probably the showtime in the earth to approach one million people. Information technology somewhen consisted of awe-inspiring public buildings, such as the Colosseum (dedicated to sport), the bathhouses (defended to leisure) and the Roman Forum defended to borough affairs. Slavery helped power the economy, but too created occasional tension — as in the slave rebellion led by Spartacus which was put down in 71BC.[8]

Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman who played a disquisitional office in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Conspirators who feared he was seeking to re-found a monarchy assassinated him on the flooring of the Roman Senate in 44 BC. His anointed successor Augustus Caesar outmaneuvered his opponents to reign equally a de facto emperor from 27 BC. His successors became all-powerful and demanded veneration as gods. Rome entered its period of Imperial rule and stability (albeit often marred by occasional bouts of apparent insanity by diverse god-emperors) returned to the Empire.[viii]

Roman civilisation and history contributed greatly to the evolution of authorities, law, state of war, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion, and language in the Western world. Ecclesiastical Latin, the Roman Catholic Church building's official linguistic communication, remains a living legacy of the classical world to the contemporary world but the Classical languages of the Ancient Mediterranean influenced every European language, imparting to each a learned vocabulary of international application. It was, for many centuries, the international lingua franca and Latin itself evolved into the Romance languages, while Ancient Greek evolved into Modern Greek. Latin and Greek proceed to influence English, not least in the specialised vocabularies of science, technology and the police.

Judaism and the rise of Christendom [edit]

The history of Judaism goes back 4000 years. The Hebrews were nomads who emerged from ethnic Canaanites and nearby deserts. The Hebrews (the name signified 'wanderer')[eight] formed one of the most enduring monotheistic religions,[17] and the oldest to survive into the nowadays day.[18] [xix] Abraham is traditionally considered as the father of the Jewish people, and Moses the law giver, who led them out of slavery in Egypt and delivered them to the "Promised Land" of State of israel. While the historicity of these accounts is not considered precise, the stories of the Hebrew Bible have been an inspiration for vast quantities of Western art, literature and scholarship.

Around 1,000 BC, the Israelites had a period of power nether King David who captured Jerusalem. His son King Solomon constructed the commencement magnificent Temple at Jerusalem for the worship of God. The Jews rejected the polytheism common to that age and would worship only Yahweh, whose X Commandments instructed them on morality. These Ten Commandments remain influential in the West and prohibited theft, lying and adultery; phone call for the worship of only one God; and for respect and honour for parents and neighbours. The Jews observed Sabbath as a "day of residuum" (chosen "one of the commencement broad-ranging laws of social-welfare in the earth" past the historian Geoffrey Blainey). In 587 BC, the Neo-Babylonian Empire of Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed the Temple and the Jewish leaders went into exile to return a century subsequently to face a succession of strange rulers: Persian and Greek.[eight] Judaism'south texts, traditions and values play a major role in later Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, Islam and the Baháʼí Faith.[19] [twenty] Many aspects of Judaism have too influenced secular Western ethics and law.[21]

In 63 BC, Judea became part of the Roman Empire and around half-dozen BC Jesus was born to a Jewish family in the town of Nazareth, every bit a consequence of which, worship of the god of Israel would come to spread through, and later dominate, the Western World.[viii] Later the Western calendar would be divided into Before Christ (BC) (significant before Jesus was born) and Anno Domini (Advertizement).

Christianity began equally a sect within Judaism in the mid-1st century arising out of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The life of Jesus is recounted in the New Testament of the Bible, 1 of the bedrock texts of Western Culture.[22] According to the New Testament, Jesus was raised as the son of the Nazarenes Mary (chosen the "Blessed Virgin" and "Female parent of God") and her husband Joseph (a carpenter). Jesus' birth is commemorated during Christmas. Jesus learned the texts of the Hebrew Bible and like his contemporary John the Baptist, became an influential preacher. He gathered Twelve Disciples to assistance in his work. He was a persuasive teller of parables and moral philosopher. In orations such as his Sermon on the Mountain and stories such equally The Good Samaritan and his declaration confronting hypocrisy "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", Jesus called on followers to worship God, act without violence or prejudice and care for the sick, hungry and poor. He criticized the privilege and hypocrisy of the religious establishment which drew the ire of religious and civil authorities, who persuaded the Roman Governor of the province of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, to take him executed for subversion. In Jerusalem, around Advertizement 30 Jesus was crucified (nailed alive to a wooden cross) and died.[8] According to the Bible, his body disappeared from his tomb three days later, because he had been resurrected from the dead. Easter celebrates this event.

The early followers of Jesus, including the apostles Paul and Peter carried a new theology apropos him throughout the Roman Empire and across, sowing the seeds of such institutions equally the Catholic Church, of which Peter is remembered equally the start pope. Paul, in particular, emphasised the universality of the faith and the faith moved beyond the Jewish population of the Empire and Asia Minor. After Jesus was called "Christ" (significant "anointed one" in Greek), and thus his followers became known as Christians. Christians frequently faced persecution from authorities or antagonistic populations during these early centuries, particularly for their refusal to join in worshiping the emperors. The Emperor Nero famously blamed them for the Nifty Burn down of Rome in Advertising 64 and condemned them to Damnatio ad bestias, a form of majuscule penalty in which people were maimed to death by animals in the circus loonshit.[viii]

Nevertheless, carried through the synagogues, merchants and missionaries beyond the known world, the new organized religion quickly grew in size and influence. Emperor Constantine's Edict of Milan in AD 313 ended the persecutions and his own conversion to Christianity was a significant turning point in history.[23] In AD 325, Constantine conferred the Start Council of Nicaea to gain consensus and unity inside Christianity, with a view to establishing it every bit the religion of the Empire. The quango composed the Nicean Creed which outlined a profession of the Christian religion. Constantine instigated Lord's day equally Sabbath and "24-hour interval of residuum" for Roman society (though initially this was merely for urban dwellers).

The population and wealth of the Roman Empire had been shifting eastward, and the division of Europe into a Western (Latin) and an Eastern (Greek) part was prefigured in the division of the Empire by the Emperor Diocletian in Ad 285. Effectually 330, Constantine established the city of Constantinople equally a new imperial city which would exist the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Possessed of mighty fortifications and architectural splendour, the city would represent some other one thousand years as a "Roman Capital". The Hagia Sophia Cathedral (later converted to a mosque following the Fall of Constantinople in 1453) is one of the greatest surviving examples of Byzantine architecture, with its vast dome and interior of mosaics and marble pillars, it was then richly busy that the Emperor Justinian, the terminal emperor to speak Latin every bit a first language, is said to take proclaimed upon its completion in 562: "Solomon, I have surpassed thee!".

The city of Rome itself never regained supremacy and was sacked by the Visigoths in 410 and the Vandals in 455. Although cultural continuity and interchange would go on between these Eastern and Western Roman Empires, the history of Christianity and Western culture took divergent routes, with a final Great Schism separating Roman and Eastern Christianity in 1054.

When the Western Roman Empire was starting to disintegrate, Augustine was Bishop of Hippo Regius.[24] He was a Latin-speaking philosopher and theologian who lived in the Roman Africa Province. His writings were very influential in the evolution of Western Christianity and he developed the concept of the church as a spiritual City of God (in a book of the same proper noun), distinct from the textile Earthly Urban center.[25] His volume Confessions, which outlines his sinful youth and conversion to Christianity, is widely considered to be the first autobiography written in the catechism of Western Literature. Augustine profoundly influenced the coming medieval worldview.[26]

The autumn of Rome [edit]

In 476 the western Roman Empire, which had ruled modern-day Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Republic of austria, Switzerland and Great Britain for centuries, collapsed due to a combination of economic refuse, and drastically reduced military strength which immune invasion past barbarian tribes originating in southern Scandinavia and modernistic-day northern Germany. Historical stance is divided as to the reasons for the fall of Rome, but the societal plummet encompassed both the gradual disintegration of the political, economical, war machine, and other social institutions of Rome also as the barbarian invasions of Western Europe.

In Uk, several Germanic tribes invaded, including the Angles and Saxons. In Gaul (modern-solar day French republic, Belgium and parts of Switzerland) and Germania Inferior (The Netherlands), the Franks settled, in Iberia the Visigoths invaded and Italy was conquered by the Ostrogoths.

The slow decline of the Western Empire occurred over a period of roughly iii centuries, culminating in 476, when Romulus Augustus, the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, was deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic chieftain. Some modern historians question the significance of this appointment,[27] and not only considering Julius Nepos, the legitimate emperor recognized past the East Roman Empire, continued to live in Salona, Dalmatia, until he was assassinated in 480. More than chiefly, the Ostrogoths who succeeded considered themselves upholders of the direct line of Roman traditions and, as the historian Edward Gibbon noted, the Eastern Roman Empire continued until the Autumn of Constantinople on May 29, 1453.

Encounter also [edit]

  • Western world
  • Western civilisation
  • History of citizenship
  • History of Europe
  • Modern history
  • Part of the Catholic Church building in Western civilization

References [edit]

  1. ^ Library Periodical. Vol. 97. Bowker. April 1972. p. 1588. Ancient Greece: Cradle of Western Civilization (Series), disc. 6 strips with three discs, range: 44–lx fr., 17–eighteen min
  2. ^ Jacob Dorsey Forrest (1906). The evolution of western culture: a study in ethical, economic and political evolution. The Academy of Chicago Press.
  3. ^ Cambridge Academy Historical Serial, An Essay on Western Civilization in Its Economic Aspects, p.twoscore: Hebraism, like Hellenism, has been an all-important factor in the development of Western Civilization; Judaism, as the precursor of Christianity, has indirectly had had much to practise with shaping the ideals and morality of western nations since the Christian era.
  4. ^ Caltron J.H Hayas, Christianity and Western Civilisation (1953), Stanford Academy Printing, p.2: That sure distinctive features of our Western civilization — the civilisation of western Europe and of America— have been shaped chiefly by Judaeo–Graeco–Christianity, Catholic and Protestant.
  5. ^ Horst Hutter, University of New York, Shaping the Futurity: Nietzsche'southward New Regime of the Soul And Its Austere Practices (2004), p.111:three mighty founders of Western culture, namely Socrates, Jesus, and Plato.
  6. ^ Fred Reinhard Dallmayr, Dialogue Among Civilizations: Some Exemplary Voices (2004), p.22: Western civilization is also sometimes described equally "Christian" or "Judaeo- Christian" civilisation.
  7. ^ Jacob Bronowski; The Ascent of Man; Angus & Robertson, 1973 ISBN 0-563-17064-6
  8. ^ a b c d e f one thousand h i j k fifty Geoffrey Blainey; A Very Brusk History of the World; Penguin Books, 2004
  9. ^ "H2g2 - Oops".
  10. ^ The Hippocratic oath: text, translation and interpretation By Ludwig Edelstein Folio 56 ISBN 978-0-8018-0184-6 (1943)
  11. ^ "Plato". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2002.
  12. ^ Yenne, W. Alexander the Great: Lessons from History's Undefeated General. Palmgrave McMillan, 2010. 244 p.
  13. ^ Richard Tarnas, The Passion of the Western Heed (New York: Ballantine Books, 1991).
  14. ^ Colin Hynson, Ancient Greece (Milwaukee: Globe Annual Library, 2006), 4.
  15. ^ Carol K. Thomas, Paths from Ancient Greece (Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1988).
  16. ^ Chris Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome (London: Penguin Books, 1995).
  17. ^ "Religion & Ethics — Judaism". BBC. Retrieved 2010-08-22 .
  18. ^ "Judaism" (PDF). (52.ane KB)
  19. ^ a b "The 3 Monotheistic Religions — Essays — Noel12". 2008-05-26. Retrieved 2010-08-22 .
  20. ^ "Judaism page, Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance". Retrieved 2010-08-22 .
  21. ^ Jewish Contributions to Culture: An Estimate (book)
  22. ^ BBC, BBC—Religion & Ethics—566, Christianity
  23. ^ Religion in the Roman Empire, Wiley-Blackwell, by James B. Rives, page 196
  24. ^ "Bona, Algeria". Earth Digital Library. 1899. Retrieved 2013-09-25 .
  25. ^ Durant, Will (1992). Caesar and Christ: a History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from Their Beginnings to A.D. 325. New York: MJF Books. ISBNone-56731-014-1.
  26. ^ Wilken, Robert L. (2003). The Spirit of Early Christian Thought. New Oasis: Yale Academy Printing. p. 291. ISBN0-300-10598-iii.
  27. ^ Arnaldo Momigliano, echoing the trope of the sound a tree falling in the forest, titled an article in 1973, "La caduta senza rumore di un impero nel 476 d.C." ("The noiseless fall of an empire in AD 476").

Further reading [edit]

  • Bavaj, Riccardo: "The West": A Conceptual Exploration , European History Online, Mainz: Plant of European History, 2011, retrieved: November 28, 2011.
  • Atlas of Globe Armed forces History, ISBN 0-7607-2025-8, edited by Richard Brooks
  • Almanac of Earth History by Patricia S. Daniels and Stephen One thousand. Hyslop
  • The Millennium Time Tapestry ISBN 0-918223-04-0 by Matthew Hurff
  • The Earth and its Peoples ISBN 0-618-42765-1, edited by Jean L. Woy
  • Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization by Bruce Thornton, Run into Books, 2002
  • How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill, 1995.

Further viewing [edit]

  • Civilisation: A Personal View past Kenneth Clark, a 1969 BBC television series
  • The Ascent of Man, a 1973 BBC telly series presented past Jacob Bronowski


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